Swapping gifts, skiing with Santa, sippin’ pints: Businesses open Christmas Day in and around Calgary

Whether you don’t celebrate Christmas, are spending it alone or are just looking for a way to spend the day, there are a number of local businesses remaining open to the public.
OffSide Pub and Eatery is open Dec. 25 from 12 to 8 p.m. and hosting a public gift exchange.
Staff are encouraging patrons to bring a $20 wrapped gift to swap with a stranger if they’d like to participate, or simply come enjoy festive cocktails and food.
The pub is also giving away prizes for the best and worst dressed.
“We thought it would be a great way to get our name out there because we’re still new, and we want to be a place for people who don’t have much to do on Christmas to just come have fun, enjoy the season and have a great time with everybody,” said Taylor Patterson, a waitress at the pub.
“It’s for anybody that needs somewhere to go and people to be around and still enjoy the holidays with no expectations except having fun.”
Since 2016, Rosso Coffee Roasters’ Inglewood location has remained open on Christmas Day and will be this year as well.
The company’s directors will serve up complimentary drinks in exchange for donated non-perishable food and hygiene items in support of the Calgary Food Bank.
The café will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
“We love it. It’s my favourite day of the year,” said owner Jessie Attrell.
“Just the community connection—that’s what our cafés are all about, and it’s a really special event.”
Many of the City of Calgary’s outdoor rinks are open Christmas Day and free to use.
Times differ between rinks but can be found on the city’s website.
Olympic Plaza’s skating rink is not open this year due to the upcoming Arts Commons Transformation Project.
A number of ski hills are open and welcoming skiers and boarders on Christmas Day.
Ski with Santa at Lake Louise Ski Resort: You may be able to spot Ol’ Saint Nick, who will be out on the slopes, stopping for pictures and handing out candy to everyone on his nice list between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Dec. 23 through 25.
Santa Skis for Charity at Banff Sunshine: Skiers and boarders are encouraged to dress up as their favourite Christmas character, whether it be Santa, Mrs. Claus, an elf, a reindeer or even the Grinch, and ride with a discounted lift ticket.
The money supports the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation.
A meet-up takes place at the base of the Strawberry Quad at 1 p.m. on Dec. 25 for the annual Santa Run.
“This will be our fifth year doing it for charity,” said Kendra Scurfield, Sunshine’s vice-president of marketing and communications.
“This year, our goal for Santa Skis for Charity is to raise $15,000 to support families and patients requiring medical attention from the Alberta Children’s Hospital.
Sunshine is also collecting non-perishable food donations to fill a gondola as part of “Cram the Cabin” in support of the Bow Valley Food Bank.
The campaign runs until the end of the month.
Santa Shredz for Free at Mount Norquay: Skiers and boarders who dress up in their Santa suits will be gifted a free lift ticket for Dec. 25.
The event only runs on Christmas Day from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
As well, Landmark and Cineplex movie theatres will be open on Christmas Day with plenty showing.
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